Little Lab

Host-Parasite Coevolution at the University of Edinburgh

Former People

Becky Holland is now a full time artist. She drew the Daphnia magna on this web site

Stuart Auld (PhD, 2010)- Post Doc'ing in georgia with Meghan Duffy

Desiree Allen is in Australia

Pierrick Labbe is in Montpellier

Pedro Vale (PhD, 2009)- Post Doc'ing in Montpellier with Sylvain Gandon

Darren Obbard (Post Doc, 2008)- Darren is now a Wellcome Trust Fellow at Edinburgh

Sarah Hall (Research assistant; 2008) - SuperSarah is saving sheep from mites at the Scottish Agricultural College (SAC) .

Martin Stjernman (Postdoc; 2008) - At the Department of Animal Ecology, Lund University.

Laura Pollitt (PhD; 2008) - PhD with
Sarah Reece, then on to Penn State

Claire Conlon (Research assistant; 2007) - Now a Lab manager at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell Biology in Edinburgh.

Alison Duncan (Postdoc; PhD 2006) - Went to France as a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellow with Yannis Michalakis. Now collaborates with Oli Kaltz.

William Chadwick (2006, Research assistant) - now a vet, and/or running around the world

Stuart Killick (2006, Ph.D. student) - pursuing a career in
law enforcement.

Meghan Gannon-Guinnee (2005, Ph.D. student) - Shuffled off to Buffalo.

Sue Mitchell (2000-2004, Postdoc) - Sue always has the right answer at
Spot-on data solutions.

Kathryn Watt (2000-2004, Research assistant) - Never quite leaves actually, but is now shared with
Andrea Graham and Dan Nussey

Neville Cobbe (2002-2003, Postdoc) - Doing research in Liverpool
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